ArgDF is a Semantic Web-Based Argumentation System

Developed as part of a disseration project
At the British University in Dubai Jointly with the University of Edinburgh,
Informatics Department,
Knowledge and Data Management Stream,

By Fouad Zablith, 2006

The complete work document is now available at the below link.

List of downloadable sources

The ArgDF Ontology is developed based on the unifed Argumentation Interchange Format (AIF) concepts,
Which has been extended to embrace Walton's Argumentation Schemes,
Thanks for the support of Dr. Iyad Rahwan and Dr. Chris Reed.

ArgDF is based the Resource Description Framework (RDF) Semantic language and requires:
The Sesame RDF Repository, Apache Tomcat Server, Apache HTTP Server, PHP, Phesame and MySQL

Avicenna is an Argumentation system in OWL

ArgDF Pilot System
University of Dundee Repository